Where to Buy Organic Maternity Wear in Bulk
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Where to Buy Organic Maternity Wear in Bulk

All mothers know the nightmare that is maternity-wear shopping. There are plenty of baby shops out there, but they tend to cater mostly to the baby. While that is fine, mom needs some TLC too. They are tired of the oversized Quaker dresses and the paneled mom jeans that can’t even hold themselves up. They want stylish clothes and undergarments that give them the support they so desperately need.

Urbamboo Answers the Call

Tekkell has heard the demand and answered with their line of Urbamboo organic maternity wear. Urbamboo is an ingenious blend of bamboo fibers and elastane. The material is superior to others like Lycra due to its strength and ability to retain its shape after multiple washings. Spandex and other man-made materials tend to lose their elasticity and, in turn, their support. When considering maternity wear, the support is the most important feature. Without proper support during pregnancy, health issues can arise beginning with back pain. Consumers demand the best, and now you can supply it when you purchase the Urbamboo product line from Tekkell.

The Benefits of Bamboo

It seems that everyone is going green these days. We have finally realized the effects of our actions on the planet. The textile world has been doing their part with more conscientious manufacturing practices, but the end product was always the same until now. Bamboo has stepped into the spotlight as the new clothing favorite.

Bamboo grows twice as fast as cotton and has the added benefit of being adaptable to any type of growing conditions. Unlike cotton, this frees up fields that can be used for food crops. Propagating from the roots, it does not need to be replanted each year, saving producers thousands.
Expectant mothers will adore the extremely breathable fabric, which absorbs moisture and helps keep you comfortable, a feature that is especially important during pregnancy.

Bamboo is also naturally hypoallergenic and anti-microbial. This is a major selling point as so many other synthetic materials can cause rashes or irritate sensitive skin types. Because this is organic maternity wear, you do not need to come up with creative ways to recycle your old items once you are finished with them.

Your Wholesale Partners

Buying intimate items in bulk can get messy. Now that you have found the right product, meet the right company. South Florida is home to Tekkell, the perfect source for all things wholesale. Filling your shelves with maternity wear that women actually want is easy with Tekkell’s competitive bulk prices, and satisfaction is 100% guaranteed. If there are any issues with your orders at all, Tekkell will work with you until it has been made right.

More Choices

Most maternity shops do not focus as fully on the undergarments as much as outer clothing. When you carry The Urbamboo line, you can offer your customers a full line of products from maternity panties and tank tops with no cutting seams, to post-pregnancy nursing bras. With Tekkell, you will be able to build a bigger, better customer base.

Partner With Tekkell Today

Whether you have a shop on Main Street, an online store, or a large specialty store, the experts at Tekkell in South Florida are ready to fill even your biggest wholesale orders quickly and efficiently. Call today, (305) 767-4249, or visit their website and find out how Urbamboo organic maternity wear will increase your sales.